Relocating your office can often be a costly endeavor. You may want to reduce the costs of the move in any way that you can. Every single one of the cross country moving companies NYC will charge you by the weight so having fewer items will reduce costs considerably. However, you can't simply throw away things, you need to have a system. This article is going to provide you with a few of the most important office decluttering tips before moving, so you can easily accomplish what you need!
Top 5 office decluttering tips before moving!
If you want to declutter properly, you need to:
- List the items you are using frequently
- Organize by priority
- Identify the most cluttered spots
- One of the office decluttering tips before moving - Consider renting additional storage
- Dust, and clean everything!
Create a list of items that you are using all the time!
List the items you are using frequently
The first thing you need to do, aside from figuring out which are your essential items, is going to be finding out items that you use quite a bit. Basically, if you've used an item in the past day, or even in the past week, it needs to go on this list. Because of the fact that movers NYC charges for both the number and the weight of the items, consider which items you want to transport and which items you want to replace at your new location.
Organize by priority
This is something to keep order in all the chaos that decluttering might be. Make sure that you have easy access to all the items that you need, and use, the most. It is really easy to lose track of where's what once the office relocation is underway. Make sure to always have the priority items within easy reach.
Organize everything by priority as soon as possible.
Identify the most cluttered spots
In order to figure out where the most clutter is, you will need to look at it objectively. The best way to do so is by utilizing the camera on your phone. It is much easier to identify cluttered spots when you are looking at the picture. You can simply ignore much in live-action. This is also a great time to create some memorable pictures. You can take really good pictures with a phone, you don't need professional equipment. Creating a memento is always a great thing to do.
One of the office decluttering tips before moving - Consider renting additional storage
The best way to deal with items that are cluttering your office but are actually important and you will need them later, is to put them into a storage unit. You may want to know how to pack for storage like a pro before you put any valuable items in storage, though. For this purpose, try to find a storage unit that is really close-by to your office and which has easy access to your belongings. You never know if you will need them in a hurry!
Dust and clean everything!
It is really important to maintain overall cleanliness when relocating your office. Especially in these COVID-19 times. Make sure that you disinfect, dust, and clean all the surfaces and sweep the floors. Your work environment will be all the better for it.
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