What Not To Put in Your Storage Unit

Renting a storage unit solves many problems. Whether you are moving to a smaller residence, or you just require some extra storage space, hiring Storage NYC services is the way to go. But there are things that you are not supposed to put in there. You may think that once you rent a storage unit, you have the right to treat it as your own personal space. But just because you own a car, doesn't mean you can disobey traffic laws. Similar goes for storage. Even though you rent it, it is a shared space that must be treated with respect. And there are rules you are supposed to follow. Here is what not to put in your storage unit.
The main reason why for some things you are told not to put in your storage unit is because of responsibility. When you put your possessions inside of a storage unit, a person is giving you the assurance that they won't be damaged. Since no storage unit is isolated, what happens in one can easily impact the others. Any contamination or hazardous material can easily make its way into other persons storage unit. Whoever owns the storage facility, wants to avoid that as much as possible. Unfortunately, there are people who are irresponsible or just oblivious to what can cause damage or contamination, and the person renting the storage has to make sure that their obliviousness doesn't harm the rest of the storage units.
There are a number of things that are usually banned from being stored inside of storage units. You will most likely be informed about them before you rent one, but it is good to know these things so you can change your plans in advance.
Even though there are storages that can offer a climate controlled environment, do not store food there. Food is perishable. Even if you put canned goods, and you use reliable moving boxes NYC the risk is too high. With minimum exposure, consumable goods will turn bad and then soon rotten. Before you know it bugs and rodents will be all over your storage unit. And they will probably infest neighboring storage units. So, please, don't store food.
Food will go rotten if stored and absolutely ruin everything in your unit.
This may seem redundant to 98% percent of the people reading this. But for the other 2%, please, for the love of god, do not store anything alive in storage units. If you store plants inside of storage they will soon die from the lack of water and sun. After a couple of weeks, they will turn rotten and you will have a similar situation that you have with rotten food. If you have any plants that you need to put away, give them to friends or family. Same goes for animals. Unfortunately, there are people that think that storing animals in a unit is a viable option. No! No! And no! Animals are supposed to be outside. Pet is something you take care of. Pet is something you are not to put in your storage unit. If you need someone to take care of your pet for a while, try giving it to friends or family. You can even look into dog daycare centers that provide such services. But do not store it somewhere where it won't have access to clean water, food or contact.
We will say it again, a pet is something you are not to put in your storage unit.
For valuable items, we consider things that either has real-world monetary value or sentimental value. So avoid storing anything that you would terribly miss if it got stolen or lost. Storage units are safe, but they are not banks vaults. Break-ins are known to happen, and if you want to be 100% sure, you are not to put in your storage unit anything valuable.
Dangerous items are things that can potentially harm either your possessions or people handling them. Toxic fluids, flammable fluids, explosives are all things that if not treated properly can easily do a lot of damage. Over long periods of time containers tend to weaken and things that seemed safely stored at first can over time ruin your entire unit. Or even spread to neighboring units. Again, the cost of damage is too high for you to risk it. The other thing you shouldn't risk is having problems with the authorities. Illegal items cannot be stored inside storage units. If some are found you will be held countable, so be warned. Some of the more surprising illegal items in the U.S are:
Also, avoid storing guns, as some states allow it and some don't.
Frech cheese will not only attract rats but can be illegal to possess.
When storing your possessions the biggest issue you might have is trust. You are, after all, trusting these people with your possessions in hope that they will keep them safe and sound. But how can you determine whether a company is trustworthy? Even though you can never be 100% sure, here are some basic guidelines.
You want your things to be easily accessible once you store them, and in order for that to be the case, you need to have them close. That is the number one reason why you should look locally for storage services. The second reason is that when a storage company is local you can check up on it. Ask around if anyone else has used their services and how the whole ordeal turned out.
Beside moving permits and licenses, there will be paperwork regarding storage services. Read everything carefully. There you will see insurance policy, what are the companies obligations to your things and what happens if something goes wrong. Whatever questions you have, ask before you sign the papers. Make sure that you are legally covered if anything happens.
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